Health Office
Contact Information
- Alexis Garcia, RN
Phone: (505) 452-3137 ext: 60504 - Danielle Perea, HA
Phone: (505) 452-3137 ext: 60508 - Fax: (505) 873-1360
Health Office Hours
Monday - Friday, 7:25 a.m. – 2:25 p.m.
Access Your Records
The Vax View NM Website allows parents and guardians to view/print their students Immunization Records. Get started today!
New School Year Preparation
- Immunization Records Up to Date
- Start Exemption Form Completion if needed
- Prepare for Medical Form turn-in such as Asthma Action Plans, Allergy Action Plans, or Special Diet Orders from student's primary provider. (Please see links located on the left side of the page to download and print these forms from home)
Please remember that all orders are to be renewed every school year.
Sick Day Guidelines
According to APS policy if your student has any of the following symptoms, they should be kept home:
- Active vomiting (must be free of vomiting for 24 hours without the use of medication)
- Fever of 100.4 or higher (must be fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication)
- Active diarrhea - three or more times in six hours
- The beginning of an airway infection (cold/cough/runny nose). This is especially important for those who are unable to manage their own body fluids.
- Extreme tiredness and/or lack of appetite
- Fever with headache, body aches, earache, sore throat
- Undiagnosed or unknown rash or skin condition (a rash that has not been seen or treated by a health care provider)
- Any of the above symptoms in combination with fever or chills
- If antibiotic treatment is needed, your child should remain home for the first full 24 hours of medication (e.g., if your child has three doses per day ordered, then three doses must be given before the child returns to school)
If any symptoms change, worsen or do not improve please call your healthcare provider.
Your child can return to school when he or she is well enough to take part in their education and they have been fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication (acetaminophen, Tylenol®, ibuprofen, Motrin, Nyquil/Dayquil, etc.). If they need medication to be in school, they are not ready to return to school.
Covid Corner
COVID Symptoms include:
- fever or chills,
- cough,
- shortness of breath or difficulty breathing,
- fatigue,
- muscle or body aches,
- headache,
- new loss of taste or smell,
- sore throat,
- congestion or runny nose,
- nausea or vomiting,
- diarrhea.
For students experiencing multiple symptoms testing for COVID is highly recommended. If you have any questions or need clarification, please contact the health office.
Please Note: Rapid tests available in the health office. 1 box per symptomatic student ONLY. First come first serve. Individual masks available for students in the front office, one mask daily as needed during school hours.
Please remember to report all absences to the school. If necessary you will be contacted.
If your student tests positive for COVID or has been in close contact, due to COVID mandates being lifted, quarantining is no longer required. Quarantining is recommended but not required along with mask wearing. Students can return as soon as possible.