APS Student Handbook Links
Student Registration
Handbook Essentials
A parent/guardian must notify the school that the student will be absent by calling the attendance line at 452-3137 ext. 2 by 8:30 A.M. on the date of absence. The automated system starts calling parents at 8:30.
A parent/guardian must notify the school each day that a student is out. • Teachers will take attendance by 8:00 A.M.
Absences may be excused for the following reasons with appropriate documentation: (Please send documentation to the office.)
- Illness (including chronic illness documented in a health plan, IEP or 504 plan)
- Limited family emergencies; family deaths
- Medical, health or legal appointments
- Suspensions
- Religious commitment
- College visit
- Deployment of a military parent as defined in the “Military Children” procedural directive
Limited extenuating circumstances as approved in advance by the school principal • All absences for other reasons are unexcused including:
- Non-school sponsored activities or trips
- Family vacations outside of the normally scheduled school breaks
In APS, a student is considered “a student in need of early intervention” (truant) at five (5) unexcused absences and a habitual truant at ten (10) unexcused absences in a year.
School staff will make an attempt to contact the parent/guardian if the school has not received notification of absences by a parent for three (3) consecutive days.
Principals may request additional documentation for excessive excused absences.
Cell Phone Policy
Students may have cell phones at school provided that they are kept in student backpacks in the off position throughout the school day. Cell phones that are used during the school day will be confiscated and released only to parents/guardians.
Dress Code
Rudolfo Anaya Elementary School complies with the APS Dress Code which specifies:
- Students must wear appropriately fitting clothing (No excessively tight or revealing clothing, no sagging or bagging permitted)
- Students may not wear clothing that advertises displays or promotes drugs, alcohol, tobacco, sexual activity, violence, disrespect or bigotry.
- Hats/caps may not be worn in the building except when there are instructional, safety, religious or medical reasons.
- Students may not wear spiked jewelry, chains or belts with more than 2 inches excess.
- Gang-related apparel is prohibited.
In addition, students of Rudolfo Anaya Elementary School:
- May not wear or bring any form of make-up to school including glitter, lip gloss, hair products, and/or false nails.
- When wearing shorts or skirts, the length must be at least the length of their fingertips when hands are rested at their side.
- Shirts must not have spaghetti straps and they must cover the midriff.
- Tinted gel and colored hairspray are prohibited.
- Heeleys and/ or rollerblades or any other shoes with wheels are not allowed.
- Students are encouraged to wear closed toed shoes. Flip flops, sandals and high heels are discouraged.
In the event of a dress code violation, parents will be contacted.
Student Drop-off/Pick-up
- Parents must not drop off their students prior to 7:30am and must pick up their students by 2:15pm.
- School grounds are not supervised except during the school day.
- If extenuating circumstances prevent a family from picking up a student on time, the school must be notified within fifteen minutes of the end of the school day.
- If students are repeatedly left on campus outside of the school day hours, an administrator will attempt to contact the family to discuss the problem. If the problem continues, the student may be considered abandoned and the police will be notified.
Please respect school parking lot rules and the duty personnel who are assigned to enforce these rules. Cars are not allowed in the bus pick up and drop off lane. Please park in designated parking spaces only.
There is a green colored area designated as the pick-up and drop off area on the far west end of the traffic lane. For safety purposed, this is the SAFE ZONE for dropping off and picking up. Please assist us by only permitting children to load and unload in this area.
We encourage anyone who is picking up a child by car to stay in their vehicle and proceed through the pick-up and drop off lane. If you choose to get out of your vehicle, please park in a designated parking space in the parent parking lot and use the crosswalk to meet your child at the holding area. For safety reasons, please do not call your child to the car. All children must be escorted from the holding area to vehicles by adults.
Please respect our families with special needs by reserving handicapped parking spaces for those with a state-issued placard.